Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol. 1

Medicina india ✔ Medicina ayurveda Vata Pitta Ayurveda pitta Ayurveda vata Vata pitta Terapia ayurveda Ayurveda productos Leche dorada ayurveda No paga nada golden milk ayurveda ayurveda vata pitta marmaterapia ayurveda tibetano nasya ayurveda vata churna neem ayurveda everest ayurveda

Textbook of Ayurveda, Vol. 1: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda 

In his Ayurvedic Studies Program, Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic Physician, teaches Ayurveda as a science of moment-to-moment living. Each lecture that he gives flows from his own heart in a river of healing wisdom that is inspired by and pertinent to the students who are present at the time of the lecture.
This textbook is a presentation of Dr. Lad's years of teaching in that classroom setting. It conveys the philosophical and fundamental principles of his first year Ayurvedic Studies Program at the Ayurvedic Institute in a dynamic and inspirational way. This book will give the student a detailed foundation upon which to pursue deeper knowledge, including that of the future volumes in this series.
Id: Libros de Ayurveda. Medicina. Terapias alternativas. Filosofia de vidad. Salud. Calidad de vida. Holística
